Attn: Business Owners...
"Finally! How To convert a higher number of leads"
(So you DON'T have to sell)
(So you DON'T have to sell)
- Make more money
- More time with your family
- Opportunity to travel all over the world
From: Helena Devaney
RE: financial freedom
RE: financial freedom
Dear home based business owner,
If you want financial peace of mind, create a life and business they love - FAST, or even if you just want to respected by friends and family, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!
If you want financial peace of mind, create a life and business they love - FAST, or even if you just want to respected by friends and family, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!
Here's why...
because in the ever increasingly saturated market of selling online being able to stand out is the difference between making it and failing.!
because in the ever increasingly saturated market of selling online being able to stand out is the difference between making it and failing.!
Anne-Marie Lestic
"I have discovered Helena and MAP coaching through one of my friends. I was sceptical at the beginning but after the first MAP session I saw big results. I can say that I have gained confidence, achieved dreams and overcome fears and roadblocks I had since childhood. Her coaching and MAP session transformed me and I am so grateful for it. I am travelling the world and have now started my own business which is bringing me all the money I want to continue living the life of my dreams. Thanks Helena"
"I have discovered Helena and MAP coaching through one of my friends. I was sceptical at the beginning but after the first MAP session I saw big results. I can say that I have gained confidence, achieved dreams and overcome fears and roadblocks I had since childhood. Her coaching and MAP session transformed me and I am so grateful for it. I am travelling the world and have now started my own business which is bringing me all the money I want to continue living the life of my dreams. Thanks Helena"
Lewis Thomson
"When Helena messaged me, back in July this year, asking if I'd be willing to try a session of coaching using a new method she had been studying, I had absolutely no idea what I was letting myself in for. Helena opened my eyes to a whole world of endless possibilities. Meeting with Helena has became a highlight of my week, each week, as I deepen my understanding of my spirituality and discuss aspects of my life who naturally encourages me to be open and honest with her. With Helena alongside me, I absolutely feel that anything I wanted to achieve with my career and my personal life is possible and I owe this feeling of empowerment entirely to how she coaches and counsels anything I feel I need her help with.
Here's how and why we can make you this promise...
I am Helena Devaney and I am a Transformational Coach who helps female business owners let go of emotional blockages so that they can have a financially freeing lifestyle.
As a Transformational Coach who has worked with high profile people from across the globe, I help you release emotional blockages so that you can allow more money, time, freedom and opportunities into your life - FAST.
This session will enable you to harness the power of aligned action and Parallel Partnering the very next time you speak to a lead.
Katie Woodland
"As a psychologist I know that you are your own worst enemy when you are trying to overcome anything and you've got to have someone watching out for sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs you have about your future. When I started working with Helena I was truly struggling with being aligned with the new direction of my business. Through the course of the programme Helena safely guided me through some powerful techniques which had a hugely positive impact on my confidence, my uniqueness and safely go after my dreams. She truly will help you change the course of your life by teaching you how to take the aligned action you are looking for."
The longer you wait the more your potential clients are going to buy from someone else.
Statistics - How many Network Marketers drop out.
- In the first year of operation, a minimum of 50% of representatives drop-out.
- After five years of operation, a minimum of 90% of representatives have left the company.
- By year 10, only those at or near the top have not dropped out – making it safe to say at least 95% of representatives have dropped out.
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
- You'll remove the very blocks which are currently repelling the money you're trying to make
- You'll no longer sabotage your efforts to build a business and stop paying out more money each month than you're earning.
- You can reduce the hours your working and see better results in your business
- You'll be able to recognise when another emotional block has come to the surface so that you can clear it out quickly rather than have it sabotaging your success
- You'll be able to take time off with your family, without having to worry that you won't be able to pay your bills
"I cannot thank you enough for the incredible work we are doing together! Anyone interested in changing their life once and for all - book a call with Helena! You won't believe how your life can change!"
Shari D Teigman
- Helps you feel more confident, safe and able to see the light at the end of the tunnel
- Drastically increases your self-belief, self-worth and ability to trust the decisions you're making.
- New leads, clients and partners will start seeking you out, rather than you having to chase them.
- Any additional bullets?
So Here's The Bottom Line With Financial Freedom Breakthrough Session
90 minute 1-2-1 session with the leading Transformational Coach in abundance, magnetization and releasing self-sabotaging emotional blockages. So that you can instantly free yourself of self-sabotaging patterns, feel empowered to take aligned action and energized about the endless possibilities head of you.
You get all of this for only £149...
But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...
Bonus #1: Inner Fire Meditation
Bonus 1 summary [when you book your 1-2-1 with me right now you'll also qualify for the Inner Fire meditation. The inner fire meditation helps you quickly align and energize your thoughts, feelings and desires with your actions, so that you only take the steps which will lead you to your desired results, not the ones that keep you stuck.
Real Value: £27 to max bonus 1 value
Bonus#2: Parallel Partnering for Success Tip Sheet
will show you how to use the Parallel Partnering Method to revolutionise the way you convert your leads into paying customers so that you can stop burning through your warm market without making any money.
Real Value: £47 to -
As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of between - £74 and -... but they're yours when you act now!
And you have nothing to lose because you can...
Take A Full N/A Guarantee To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee
If "Financial Freedom Breakthrough Session" doesn't show me exactly how to have financial peace of mind... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step to create a life and business they love - FAST... or if it fails to help me respected by friends and family, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....
Here's How To Order Right Now
So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server
Here's to your success.
Helena Devaney
P.S. - Every minute you wait another business owner is capitalising on this amazing opportunity to achieve financial freedom - FAST
Act NOW before I remove these limited time only bonuses
Helena Devaney
P.S. - Every minute you wait another business owner is capitalising on this amazing opportunity to achieve financial freedom - FAST
Act NOW before I remove these limited time only bonuses
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